Sisuvatika is a non formal system of education aimed at physical, psychological, emotional, social and spiritual development of the child. Games, songs, language etiquette through non-formed activities.
Vidyabharathi in national level chalked out a programme to educate the parents and the other members of the families of children attending sisuvatikas. The families particularly the mother , plays an important role in the balanced growth of the child.
Admission In every year we do admissions on Vijayadhasami day with Vidyarambam.
We are conducting Agnihothram on every first day of Malayalam month with teachers and students.
Janmadinam of each child is celebrated by offering Aarathi and chanting birthday song and birthday verse. We feed the students Thenum Vayambu on pooyam star of every month for intellectual development of each child.
Monthly portions are giving to students including all subjects. We are evaluating students thrice in a year
Students are participating in competitions like action song colouring, smiling fancy dress conducted by different organisations in and around Trissur district and prizes are awarded.
We organized a sisuvatika team which consists of parents and under their auspicious of them programs are conducting.
We need the support and whole hearted co-operation of each and every one working behind this institution Hope all of them will render it splendidly.